This past Friday i was walking outside at about 11:45 at night and was walking towards the game room from my room at Link Year, which is about a solid 2 minute walk at most, and i ran into my friend Thomas. It was like 40 degrees outside and there was not a cloud in the sky, and Thomas was standing outside looking at the stars. I stopped and he said "I wish people would get off of their phones and just look up." For the next 45 minutes we both sat there and looked at the stars and talked about life.
From this moment on I started to look up a lot more. Looking up at the stars, looking up at the pouring rain, looking up from my phone in general, and I started to notice more. God intricately created the universe and this world with such care, and if God designed the world in such beauty; with no snowflake ever the same, leaves falling and changing at different times, even just water simply crashing over the shore over and over, then how much more intricately are we created and designed by God?
I just wanted to encourage y'all to look up. Get away from your phone today, go outside and just look at the sky, look at the world around you. Look at the people around you, everyone has a story and something that they are struggling with or going through and we could easily miss it in the busyness and everyday-ness of life. Don't let busy schedules be your excuse to neglect our greatest commandments: to love God, and love his people. Love God's creation, look at what he has made and love his people whom he has created. Take time to just look up this week friends, enjoy the Lord and His creation.