Thursday, January 14, 2016


Hello friends!! Time for weekly review! This has most definitely been an excellent week and I am delighted to be back at Link Year and getting in the grind of things again. This week we had the awesome privilege to hear Jefferson Bethke (with guest appearance of his wife) speak to us. Jeff gave us an insane amount of things to think and to pray about and I most definitely felt convicted by what the Lord said through him.  I feel like every week I say this, but I could just write pages about what we learned about so I’ll just narrow it down to one of the subjects we learned about. In his last session of the week, Jeff talked to us about healing. While here at Link Year we have our “7 Pillars” and one of the most pivotal pillars is heart transformation. Heart transformation is a slow and painful process that sort of rests on the fact that we need to rely on Christ to transform our lives and that includes dealing with a lot of deep rooted sin issues that have become embedded in us as Christians. The concept that Jeff brought to us about healing sort of talks about the healing power of the gospel and how Christ can take our wounds and cleanse them, but this process doesn’t work if we hide from our sin and try to cover it up. He gave us the most practical example; a real wound. Whenever you are wounded you put a bandage over it, and you instinctively withdraw when someone gets close to it, you are sensitive to it. But once the wound is healed and turns into a scar, it’s a wonderful story that you can tell people. Scars don’t hurt, and you are stronger at that spot than you ever were. We are the same way, we draw away when we have a wound and try to cover it up, but when we clean a wound and deal with it immediately, it heals much faster and doesn’t cause problems for a long time. I felt very convicted by this message but encouraged to really dig in to issues that have been pulling on my heart and see how God can use my brokenness and my faults and make something beautiful. Thanks for reading y’all!

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